What Attracts Flies Into Your Home Or Surroundings?

Last Updated on: January 28th, 2020 at 8:48 pm

If someone visits your home and they see flies all over your place, the first thing they are going to think about you is – how dirty you are.

And yes, dirty surroundings and the rotten organic matter is what attracts most species of flies (with some exceptions of course).

Flies are probably one of the worst enemies to humans on this planet because they bring hygiene problems and several other fatal diseases to the mankind.

Enough of this, let’s get back to the topic and understand what attracts flies.

What Are Flies Attracted To?

What Attracts Flies Into Your Home Or Surroundings

House Flies:

House flies, in general, are attracted to garbage, filth, and waste organic matter. They land on these substances and contaminate everything else they land upon.

House flies are attracted to following:

  1. House flies are attracted to decaying organic filth such as feces or pet waste
  2. Rotting Meat
  3. Garbage
  4. Fly specks on walls or floors of a fly-infested area

Check out this article:  Dealing with house flies

Fruit Flies:

Fruit flies are attracted to sweet and fermented liquids. Fruit flies get nutrients from fermented liquids and later lay eggs near such a source.

Following is a list of things to which fruit flies get attracted:

  1. Fermented or Fermenting liquids like soda, vinegar or alcoholic beverages.
  2. Rotten potatoes, onions or overripe or rotting fruits
  3. Sugar syrups

Check out this article:  Fix a fruit fly infestation and more about fruit flies

Drain Flies:

Drain flies like moist, cool places with plenty of organic matter. This is the reason they are drawn towards sewages and drains. They lay eggs mostly in decomposing organic matter found in drains and pipes.

Following is a list of things to which drain flies get attracted:

  1. Organic decomposing and moist matter present inside drains and kitchen sink pipes
  2. Decaying vegetation
  3. Drain flies are also strongly attracted to light

Recommended Reading:  Things you need to know when dealing with Drain Flies

Bottle / Blow Flies:

Bottle flies generally feed on decomposing meat and sometimes also on the untreated wounds of live animals. The term blowfly has its roots in an old English term “fly blown”, which meant a piece of meat that had fly eggs laid on it.

Following is a list of things that attract Bottle Flies:

  1. Decomposing meat or dead animal carcass
  2. Wet Garbage
  3. Animal feces

Recommended Reading:  How to get rid of Bottle Flies

Cluster Flies:

Cluster Flies are generally attracted to warm buildings in order to search for a warmer place to hibernate. Cluster Fly lays eggs on the soil that contains earthworms.

The eggs are mostly laid in the soil cracks. After 3 – 4 days when the eggs hatch and the maggots (larvae) enter the body cavities of earthworms and feed on the hosts.

Cluster flies are attracted to following:

  1. Warm areas of a building during winters.
  2. They are also attracted to light and because of this, you can also find them near windows and near lamps at night.
  3. Apart from these, cluster flies are also attracted to moist soils and garbage

Recommended Reading:  More Info about Cluster Flies

Horse Flies:

Horsefly belongs to Tabanidae family of flies and can bite humans or animals. Horse flies are equipped with scissor-like jaws that can tear flesh. And unlike a mosquito, the bite of a horse fly is very painful.

Horse flies, in general, are attracted to dark shiny objects and carbon dioxide. Horse flies are most active in humid and warm conditions, that’s why they are mostly found near beaches and lakes.

Horse flies are attracted to following:

  1. Horse flies are attracted towards dark moving objects and carbon-di-oxide, and this is how they locate a prey.
  2. Horse flies are also attracted to Acetone a component found in Nail Polish or Varnish Remover. Acetone is also found in cattle breath so many species of horse flies are significantly attracted to it.
  3. Octenol is another chemical component that attract horse flies. Octenol is found in cattle sweat and attracts horse flies to a moderate extent. Octenol is a very costly chemical and hence it is only used in lab experiments.
  4. Some species of Horse flies are significantly attracted to Ammonia (NH3 vapor). Ammonia is a component of cattle urine.

Check out this Article: How to deal with a horse fly infestation

So, these were few things that attract flies. If you are dealing with a fly infestation make sure to keep your surroundings clean and waste-free.


About Ankit Zadi

My name is Ankit Zadi, and I can call myself a 'Fly Expert'. My adventures with flies began when we shifted to our new house seven years back. My goal on this website is to share everything that I know about flies. Check out my full story here.